ASKT Chief Financial Officer
An ASKT CFO supports your company by directing the fiscal functions of the company in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and in accordance with financial management techniques and practices appropriate within your industry.
The CFO works with your Management Team to establish long-range goals, strategies, plans, and policies, by directing resource allocations, setting targets & incentives, becoming your advocate, voice, and face to investors and financial institutions, and additionally assisting with the execution of mergers, acquisitions, or divestitures.
Utilize an ASKT CFO to deliver innovative, practical knowledge and experience to meet your company’s business needs and improve overall business performance.
What to Expect
See the big picture
Understand your financials, align your overall strategy, decide where to invest and divest, and prioritize opportunities.
Reduce cost
Eliminate waste, gain supply chain effciencies, manage products/services better, and more
Quick results
Achieve desired outcomes with an immediate impact to cash flow and your bottom line