Improve Analysis and Results
Owners and investors need to utilize financial modeling as part of their basic analyses. Potential issues regarding profitability, risk, working capital, and future cash flows become apparent through modeling. Financial modeling helps focus on issues critical to your business and oftentimes identifies a hidden issue that may have gone unnoticed until it was a real problem.
Having a well-constructed financial model can help achieve an understanding of your financial metrics which will allow you to better evaluate the health of the business, identify financial issues, interpret and identify historic trends.
What to Expect
See the big picture
Understand your financials, align your overall strategy, decide where to invest and divest, and prioritize opportunities.
Create a repeatable model
Define objectives and sources of value, develop an M&A program based on frequency, size and timing of deals, and build the team and processess that support consistent deal making.
Rethink risk versus safety
Understand the realities of scale versus scope, and why scale is not necessarily safe and scope is not necessarly risk